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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Silvia Generali da” ,找到相关结果约66029条。
Terceira Vara da Infancia e da Juventude de Porto Alegre: um estudo da aplica o da análise administrativa na moderniza o do Estado 3rd Infancy and Youth Judgeship of Porto Alegre (Brazil): a study on the use of administrative analysis in State modernization
Silvia Generali da Costa
Revista de Administra??o Pública , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/s0034-76122006000100002
Abstract: Este artigo descreve a experiência de aplica o da ferramenta de análise administrativa na moderniza o da gest o pública, especificamente na Terceira Vara da Infancia e da Juventude da Comarca de Porto Alegre (RS). Foi realizada uma pesquisa-a o, com os objetivos de qualificar os procedimentos de gest o; agilizar o atendimento aos clientes e padronizar os principais processos administrativos, com vistas à futura municipaliza o do atendimento das medidas socioeducativas de meio aberto. A realiza o dos trabalhos sugeriu que, apesar das estruturas estatais fortemente burocráticas, é possível fazer uso de técnicas de racionaliza o de processos administrativos em setores específicos do Estado, com resultados significativos para os usuários do sistema e com baixo custo de implanta o. This paper describes the experience of applying the administrative analysis tool to the modernization of public management, more specifically at the 3rd Infancy and Youth Judgeship of Porto Alegre, Brazil. An action-survey was carried with the following goals: to qualify management procedures; to provide more effective service to clients; to standardize the main administrative processes, aiming at the future municipalization of the socio-educational measures to be applied with open sentencing. The experience has suggested that, in spite of strongly bureaucratized state structures, it is possible to employ rationalization techniques for administrative processes in specific sectors of the State, with relevant results for users of the system and a low implementation cost.
A influência da promo o nas rela es de amizade no ambiente de trabalho =The influence of promotion on relations of friendship in the workplace
Schujmann, Adriana,Costa, Silvia Generali da
Psico , 2012,
Abstract: Em um local estressante de trabalho, os amigos podem fornecer apoio e compreens o. Perder um amigo no trabalho significa deixar de ter uma fonte de ajuda (Sias, Heath, Perry, Silva e Fix, 2004). O rompimento de um relacionamento de amizade, em uma organiza o, pode ocorrer por vários motivos, como as personalidades dos amigos, as expectativas conflituosas, as trai es e as promo es. Nesta pesquisa, optou-se por explorar as promo es e compreender, a partir da percep o dos pares entrevistados, sua influência nas rela es de amizade. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, com entrevistas semi-estruturadas em profundidade, aplicadas a seis díades, em quatro empresas de grande porte, analisadas através de análise de conteúdo. O estudo apontou para o questionamento quanto à existência da rela o de amizade no local de trabalho e evidencia a falta de consenso na caracteriza o deste tipo de rela o. In a stressful workplace, friends can provide support and understanding. Losing a friend at work means no longer have a source of help (Sias, Heath, Perry, Smith and Fix, 2004). The breakup of a relationship of friendship, in an organization, can occur for several reasons, such as personalities of friends, conflicting expectations, betrayals and promotions. In this research, we chose to explore the promotion and understanding, from the perspective of couples surveyed, their influence in the relations of friendship. It was used a qualitative approach with semi-structured in-depth, applied to six dyads in four large companies, analyzed using content analysis. The study pointed to questions about the existence of a relationship of friendship in the workplace and highlights the lack of consensus on the characterization of this type of relationship.
Wagner Junior Ladeira,Silvia Generali da Costa
Revista Eletr?nica de Ciência Administrativa - RECADM , 2007,
Abstract: A constru o das chamadas “vilas de funcionários”, geralmente situadas nos arredores das respectivas empresas é um capitulo importante da história do trabalho e da urbaniza o brasileira. As mudan as nelas ocorridas s o vivenciadas na atividade profissional dos funcionários, como sofrimento, como prazer, ou como a comunh o de ambos. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar como os funcionários/moradores de duas vilas de funcionários e os responsáveis pela empresa vêm vivenciando a dialética prazer/sofrimento. Foi feita uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, utilizando o estudo de caso como estratégia de investiga o, e a análise de conteúdo como método de investiga o. Os resultados encontrados permitiram compreender melhor as altera es ocorridas nas rela es pessoais e profissionais existentes nestas vilas e na empresa, e possibilitam analisar como estas influenciaram diretamente a dicotomia prazer/sofrimento, tanto na vis o dos gestores da empresa quanto na dos moradores/funcionários da vila.
Paradoxos do trabalho prisional na era do capitalismo flexível: o caso do DETRAN-RS
Costa, Silvia Generali da;Bratkowski, Pedro Luiz da Silva;
Revista de Administra??o Contemporanea , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S1415-65552007000300007
Abstract: the article makes a comparative analysis between the meanings of prison work and free work. for that purpose, it brings the experience of detran-rs at applying management tools to the work of prison inmates serving sentences in open and semi-open regime. this is a pioneer initiative in the state. such experience sought to approximate the labor reality of prison inmates to the reality of other workers in the institution. an action survey and a review of critical literature on the subject were performed. the conclusion is that the corporate world of the new economy does not favor the creation of links and identity among members, thus not being an adequate model of social reinsertion via stable work and adoption of a routine. being closer to traditional bureaucracies, the detran-rs structure offers such possibilities. the submission to control, assessment and pre-established norms, typical of classical management models and essential in the prison system, was positively evaluated by convicts and seen as a way of professional valorization.
Prazer e sofrimento entre os trabalhadores de Call Center
Scolari, Carolina;Costa, Silvia Generali da;Mazzilli, Cláudio;
Psicologia USP , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-65642009000400005
Abstract: the concepts of taylor were essential for industrial development in the twentieth century. even today, his teachings are present in various branches of the economy, including in the company’s call center. call center is a structure that aims at serving customers with the use of a computer terminal and a telephone. this sector has undergone major expansion and in 2006, was responsible for the generation of 60 thousand direct jobs becoming a contact form and attractive business for companies in public and private sector. the objective of this study was to analyze the experiences of pleasure and pain at work among the operators of call centers. we performed a qualitative research strategy, case study and method of data analysis, content analysis. as a result, some categories were drawn between them end the mediation at work, reviewed in this article under the theoretical framework of psychodynamic work.
Os servidores públicos s o acomodados?: percep es dos professores de uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental em Porto Alegre
Costa, Silvia Generali da,Montini, Gládis Andréia Perini
Análise , 2010,
Abstract: O estudo tem como objetivos: a) identificar os motivos que levam o grupo estudado a ingressar e permanecer na carreira pública; b) identificar as raz es específicas para a permanência na carreira docente em uma institui o pública; c) verificar o pressuposto – advindo do senso comum – de que a acomoda o está entre estes motivos. A pesquisa é qualitativa e descritiva, tendo como respondentes um grupo de professores de ensino fundamental de uma escola estadual de Porto Alegre, situada em uma comunidade carente. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, gravados e transcritos, e analisados sob o método de análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 1977). Como referencial teórico abordou-se: a) trabalho no setor público – com ênfase em Motta (1986 e 1981); b) Psicodinamica do Trabalho (Dejours, 2007, 2001, 1992); c) estudo recente com objetivos e públicos semelhan- tes, defendido por Czekster em 2007. Verificaram-se as seguintes raz es para ingresso e permanência: aprendizagem; influência de modelos; voca o; acaso; e pacote de benefícios. Observe-se que os motivos de ingresso e permanência s o os mesmos tanto para a carreira docente, quanto para o servi o público, com exce o de dois motivos que justificam apenas a permanência, mas n o o ingresso: a acomoda o e as dificuldades no mercado de trabalho. O prazer no trabalho, como motivo de permanência, tem como fonte os alunos; os colegas; o orgulho de contribuir para a sociedade; o idealismo; e o cumprimento de compromissos para com a sociedade. Na gênese do sofrimento aparecem problemas sociais; colegas; sentimento de impotência; gest o pública deficiente; e alunos. é possível pressupor que a referida acomoda o apare a mais como um fator de permanência do que como motivo de ingresso na carreira docente no servi o público. Os sujeitos que referem acomoda o, est o acomodados – segundo suas próprias percep es – a um ambiente com muitos fatores de sofrimento. The study aims to: a) identify the reasons that lead the study group to enter and remain in the public service, b) identify the specific reasons for staying in the teaching profession in a public institution, c) investigate the assumption – arising from common sense – that the conformity is among those reasons. The research is qualitative and descriptive, with respondents are a group of elementary school teachers from a school located in a poor community in Porto Alegre. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, recorded and transcribed, and analyzed using content analysis (Bardin, 1977). The theoretical bases were: a) work in the
Isolated Testicular Metastasis from Prostate Cancer
Alberto Bonetta,Chiara Pacifico,Daniele Generali,Giandomenico Roviello,Gianni Cancarini,Sarah Grazia Brenna,Silvia Paola Corona
- , 2017, DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.904521
Circulating tumor cells correlate with patterns of recurrence in patients with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer
Alberto Bonetta,Daniele Generali,Giandomenico Roviello,Maria Rosa Cappelletti,Silvia Paola Corona
- , 2017, DOI: 10.2147/OTT.S143020
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and patterns of recurrence in patients with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. The study involved patients with histologically confirmed, advanced prostatic adenocarcinoma, who were tested for CTCs (Veridex?) when they developed recurrence after radical prostatectomy or external beam radiation between 2008 and 2014. Forty-two prostate cancer patients were evaluated. CTCs were detected in 14 out of 42 (33.3%) patients (Group A), while the remaining 28 (66.7%) showed undetectable levels of CTCs (Group B). The mean prostate-specific antigen value was higher in Group A in comparison to Group B (6.2 vs 3.3 ng/dL) (P=0.48). Presence of bone metastases alone or along with nodal metastases was more common in Group A (57.1%) in comparison to Group B (25%) (P=0.04). In a univariate analysis, the presence of CTCs at diagnosis correlated with the development of bone recurrence (OR: 4; 95% CI: 1.0–15.9; P=0.05). Even if the study enrolled only a small number of patients, the detection of CTCs in the blood appears to correlate with the pattern of progression in patients with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, suggesting a possible role in anticipating recurrence at the bone in men with higher tumor load. Further prospective studies are warranted in this setting
Collaborative Intelligence in Smart Cities: A Systematic Review  [PDF]
Viviani Kwecko, Silvia S. da C. Botelho
Social Networking (SN) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/sn.2018.73015
The objective of this research is to present a systematic analysis, in which we seek to identify the concepts of intelligent city, with the intention of recognizing the nature of this intelligence before the participation of the population. Therefore, the research associates concepts as smart cities, citizen participation and social web, identifying publications between 2012 and the first quarter of 2018 and questioning what the intelligent city is and how this concept is able to (re)organize the learning processes of the territory from the informal dynamics of the contemporary city. The qualitative analysis of the documents revealed an innumerable of definitions and related terms: smart, intelligent, ubiquitous, digital, knowledge, sustainable, crowd sourcing, innovative; structured in three types of approaches: technological focus, focus on human resources and focus on citizen-related governance from the following domains: media convergence, public and regulatory information policies, infrastructure management, real-time data mining and extraction, geographic information system, crowd computing, smart cities education, and social monitoring and control. In spite of the access to a great amount of data, we verify that the concept of intelligent city is referenced by a significant number of researches, but, in smaller number, works that present models of construction of a collective intelligence for the city. From this perspective, we identified the need to recognize technological education interventions for communication between individuals and the city. Because we believe that only through the implementation and management of techno-educommunication ecosystems will be able to promote a culture of participation.
Keat's "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" - an Interpretation
Silvia Mussi da Silva
Alfa : Revista de Linguística , 2001,

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